


Year level lists of books and equipment are produced and handed out to parents during Term 4. At this time "Book Packs" may be ordered through the P&C Association ( for the following year.  If required, there is a payment plan available to pay for the Book Pack over time. 

Please ensure all books and materials are clearly labelled.  Please check with your child and your child’s teacher throughout the year re their stocks of books, pencils, erasers, glue, etc. 

To cover the costs of new interactive licences and materials, a Resource Kit is invoiced to each child.  This includes two folders for resources which are used throughout the year related to the digital resources used in each classroom.  

To reduce ongoing costs, the folders are passed up to the next year level as your child progresses through the school.

Last reviewed 13 December 2024
Last updated 13 December 2024