
Gifted students


Academically able students and those with identified talents are catered for in various ways at Banksia Beach State School.  Various groups in the school are taken by Banksia staff and parents for different enrichment and extension Activities including STEM, sporting teams, Dance and Instrumental Music are offered throughout the year.

All learning experiences are planned to cater for student differences and talents.

Students are encouraged to enter academic testing programs including English, Maths and Science from the University of NSW.  Students are nominated by class teachers, however if you wish your child to be included in this program you may nominate them at the beginning of the year and make payment for each text you wish your child to take. Entry fees are approximately $7.00 per test. An invitation to participate will be included in a newsletter early in the year.

The performance choir and bands represent our school at both competitions and community events.  Sporting Teams provide opportunities for children to reach representative level in several sports.

Last reviewed 17 February 2023
Last updated 17 February 2023